
II International Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry and Regenerative Medicine

II International Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry and Regenerative Medicine

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II International Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry and Regenerative Medicine

The II International Symposium of Medicinal Chemistry and Regenerative Medicine is going to be held from November 22nd to 24th at Uniara, in Araraquara/SP. The event aims to reach undergraduation and postgraduation academics, professionals of the medical and pharmaceutical field, and entrepreneurs of the biotechnological innovation area. Researchers involved with Medicinal Chemistry, Regenerative Medicine, and Biotechnology are also welcome to the event.

The event has an objective to propagate new researches and innovation which are in the frontier of Regenerative Medicine and Medicinal Chemistry, promoting interaction with companies interested in these researches. Therefore, as a result of the event, it is expected to encourage discussion, knowledge sharing and partnership to new research projects, generating a spark of ideas that can be conducted by entrepreneurs.

In this second edition, it will be held a scientific session of poster presentations. The abstracts submitted and approved by the scientific committee will be published in the International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology (IJAMB). In addition, the eight award-winning posters will be invited to publish in the IJAMB as an original article.

Important information: abstracts must be submitted by October 31st, 2017.



Reach us via e-mail secpgbio@uniara.com.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348.


*Program subjected to change / **There will be no simultaneous translation

Central themes
  • Biopolymers;
  • Medicinal Chemistry;
  • Regenerative Medicine;
  • Innovation Management on Biotechnology.


Wednesday (November 22nd, 2017)

Time Lecture Speaker
18h00 Material Delivery
19h00 Solemn Opening
20h00 Photonics and Biomedicine Sidney José Lima Ribeiro
20h30 Research and Postgraduation on Biotechnology Panorama in Brazil Odir Antonio Dellagostin


Thursday (November 23rd, 2017)

Module: Biopolymers
Coordinator: Dr. Hernane da Silva Barud

Time Lecture Speaker
8h00 - 9h00 Plenary 1 - Hybrid Biopolymeric Matrices as Molecular Carriers Guillermo R. Castro
9h00 - 10h00 New Titanium Alloys with Functionalized Surface for Orthopedic Applications Carlos Roberto Grandini
10h00 - 10h30 Coffee Break
10h30 - 11h30 Development of Inorganic Nanocapsules for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications Vera R. Leopoldo Constantino

Module: Medicinal Chemistry
Coordinator: Dr. Antonio Carlos Massabni

Time Lecture Speaker
14h00 - 15h00 Plenary 2 - Metal Complexes in Medicine - Present Status and Trends Ulrich Abram
15h00 - 16h00 Studies on New Metallodrugs Based on Essential Metal Compounds Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira
16h00 - 16h30 Coffee Break
16h30 - 17h30 Thiosemicarbazone Metal Complexes with Potential Medicinal Application Victor Marcelo Deflon
18h30 - 21h30 Poster Appreciation and Cocktail


Friday (November 24th, 2017)

Module: Regenerative Medicine
Coordinator: Dr. Nivaldo Antônio Parizoto

Time Lecture Speaker
8h00 - 9h00 Plenary 1 - High-Resolution 3D Bioprinting by Means of Multiphoton Processing Aleksandr Ovsianikov
9h00 - 9h30 Successful Cartilage Bottom-up Tissue Engineering by Human Adipose Stem Cell Spheroids Leandra S. Baptista
9h30 - 10h00 Biomarkers for Alzheimer's Disease Márcia Regina Cominetti
10h00 - 10h30 Coffee Break
10h30 - 11h15 Influence of Strength Training and Raloxifene on Tibial Bone Consolidation in the Aging Period of Wistar Rats Rita Cássia Menegati Dornelles
11h15 - 11h45 Mechanical Testing Instruments for Characterization in Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices Frederico Mendes Jr.

Module: Innovation Management on Biotechnology
Coordinator: Dr. Hernane da Silva Barud

Time Lecture Speaker
14h00 - 14h50 Plenary 1 - Development of Innovative Biopharmaceuticals Thiago Mares Guia
14h50 - 15h40 Biotechnology Industry: New technologies for Human Health Denise Golgher
15h40 - 16h10 Coffee Break
16h10 - 17h00 Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Life Sciences Liliane Carvalho
17h00 Shutdown

*Program subjected to change / **There will be no simultaneous translation


Biomarcadores para a Doença de Alzheimer


Márcia Regina Cominetti é docente do Departamento de Gerontologia (DGero) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) e atua nas linhas "Câncer e Envelhecimento" e "Biomarcadores para a Doença de Alzheimer". Nesta linha, juntamente com pesquisadores dos Departamentos de Química (DQ) da UFSCar, desenvolveu uma tecnologia com nova molécula biomarcadora - ADAM10 - que permite o diagnóstico do Alzheimer em um simples exame de sangue, diferente de outras opções disponíveis que envolvem exames invasivos e com custo elevado. Atualmente não existe cura para a doença de Alzheimer e seu diagnóstico ainda é de difícil obtenção. Entretanto, quanto mais precoce for a descoberta, mais opções terapêuticas e intervenções são oferecidas ao paciente podendo, inclusive, retardar o avanço da doença. A patente intitulada "Dispositivo para detecção do biomarcador ADAM10 para o diagnóstico da Doença de Alzheimer, método de aplicação do referido dispositivo, uso do dito dispositivo para diagnóstico da Doença de Alzheimer, método de aplicação de Elisa para diagnóstico da Doença" utiliza amostras de sangue que permitem diferenciar idosos saudáveis e doentes ou com predisposição ao Alzheimer, além de detectar diferentes estágios da doença - do transtorno neurocognitivo leve ao estágio mais avançado.

Para realizar o diagnóstico, uma pequena quantidade de sangue é tratada com partículas magnéticas modificadas que são capturadas com o uso de imã, e sua concentração é determinada com um dispositivo sensor descartável - que pode ser construído de maneira simples e com materiais brasileiros. A partir daí, o nível do biomarcador tende a aumentar dependendo do grau do transtorno neurocognitivo, permitindo monitorar o nível do biomarcador no sangue do indivíduo para auxiliar o diagnóstico precoce e o monitoramento da doença.

O uso de biomarcadores presentes no sangue associado a dispositivos sensores para o diagnóstico do Alzheimer apresenta uma série de vantagens frente aos demais procedimentos como curto tempo de análise e baixo custo, podendo ser aplicado em análises de rotinas em laboratórios, postos de saúde e clínicas. No entanto, a tecnologia ainda não está disponível no mercado e, no momento, os pesquisadores buscam parcerias e empresas interessadas em fabricar e disponibilizar os dispositivos para comercialização.

A patente foi divulgada no Jornal Nacional, da Rede Globo de Televisão, e também na afiliada da Globo, EPTV.

Speaker: Márcia Regina Cominetti

Biotechnology Industry: New technologies for Human Health


This seminar will de divided in three parts. An introduction about the industry of Biotechnology, its foundation in the USA and factors that contribute for the country´s leadership in the sector. The focus will be on the development of new drugs, with specific examples from oncology.

The second part will be dedicated to the landscape of the industry in the world, on how new technologies not only contribute to better health care but also to the creation of new businesses and economic growth.

The seminar will end with a discussion about biotechnology applied to human health in Brazil, considering public and private investments, the role of academy and the national pharmaceutical industry, examples of drug discovery companies in the country.

Speaker: Denise Golgher

Desenvolvimento de Biofármacos Inovadores


O foco da palestra será o processo de desenvolvimento de medicamentos biotecnológicos. Os medicamentos biológicos são moléculas complexas de alto peso molecular obtidas a partir de fluidos biológicos, tecidos de origem animal ou procedimentos biotecnológicos por meio de manipulação ou inserção de outro material genético (tecnologia do DNA recombinante) ou alteração dos genes.

Speaker: Thiago Mares Guia

Development of Inorganic Nanocapsules for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications


New approaches have been arising to develop functional materials for applications in health sciences. Inorganic materials such as Layered Double Hydroxides (LDH) are been explored as nanocapsules or nanocarriers to store, transport and deliver bioactive species. LDH have a structure comprising cationic layers intercalated with anionic species; this kind of architecture enhances the drug chemical stability and promotes a modified release, reducing side effects. LDH composition allows a favorable balance between chemical stability and biodegradability in physiological media. We will address results obtained by our group and collaborators regarding the synthesis, physicochemical characterization and biological assays conducted with LDH nanocapsule intercalated with drugs such as anti-inflammatories and with non-bioactive species to investigate the capsule biocompatibility. The biological response reached can assure these materials as promising candidates for pharmaceutical and biomedical applications.

Speaker: Vera R. Leopoldo Constantino

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Life Sciences


The Life Sciences sector is marked by two big waves. The first one, in the last decades, was shaped by governmental efforts and incentives aimed at the formation of large life sciences companies in Brazil with the purpose of replicating and incorporating technologies that already existed in other countries. Also having as main characteristics: focus on the creation of big biopharmaceutical companies in the Country; strong government incentive (BNDES); production of biosimilars and execution of biological manufacturing projects; replication of technologies and low degree of innovation.

With some reservations, the first wave strategies worked. Starting in 2014, the second wave began, which seeks, above all, to transform the sector through innovation and entrepreneurship. Nowadays, bets are on mechanisms that foster innovation by encouraging the creation of startups arising from new technologies and market opportunities, having as main characteristics: creation/development of really innovative startups; cultural transformation through entrepreneurial education; licensing of new technologies and formation of strategic partnerships; and knowledge sharing and connection generation.

In this way, under the aspect of innovation and entrepreneurship in research and science in Life Sciences Sector in Brazil, it is possible to find a reality with performance still below its potential. The challenges for the development of these themes are big, where there is still an extensive gap between universities and the market, research still presents an excess of bureaucracy in its development and the culture found in universities still has few elements of entrepreneurship and practical application. For these reasons, it is so important to have this subject as discussions in search of solutions that can collaborate for the development of Brazil.

Speaker: Liliane Carvalho

High-Resolution 3D Bioprinting by Means of Multiphoton Processing


P. Gruber1, A. Dobos1, M. Tromayer2, M. Lunzer1, M. Markovic1, D. Mandt1, R. Liska2 and A. Ovsianikov1

1Institute of Materials Science and Technology
2Institute of Applied Synthetic Chemistry
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Getreidemarkt 9, Vienna, Austria
Additive Manufacturing Technologies Group
Austrian Cluster for Tissue Regeneration


Bioprinting is a process based on additive manufacturing from materials containing living cells. These materials, often referred to as bioinks, are based on cytocompatible hydrogel precursor formulations, which gel in a manner compatible with different 3D bioprinting approaches [1]. Among the most widespread bioprinting technologies are methods based on extrusion and ink-jet material deposition. The achievable spatial resolution is therefore in the range of tens of micrometers, limited by intrinsic properties of these approaches. In this context, multiphoton processing is an outstanding approach as it offers spatial resolution unmatched by other 3D printing methods, while providing a possibility to produce structures in the presence of living cells [2-3]. Multiphoton processing is also fundamentally different in that it does not necessarily rely on material deposition. 3D printing of cell-containing hydrogel structures with high spatial resolution opens exciting perspectives for the engineering of 3D biomimetic cell culture matrices. Development of cell compatible and photopolymerizable hydrogels is an important step towards the latter goal [4]. Current challenges include possible cell damage, resulting from generation of free radicals, and necessity for faster processing [5]. In this contribution, the recent progress on multiphoton processing of cell-containing hydrogel constructs is presented. Our results indicate the general practicability of this approach for fabrication of 3D cell-containing structures. The further development of the multiphoton processing techniques will facilitate the realization of elegant biological in vitro experiments, helping to elucidate biomimetic aspects of cell interaction with the surrounding environment.

[1] K. Hölzl, S. Lin, L. Tytgat, S. Van Vlierberghe, L. Gu, A. Ovsianikov, Bioink properties before, during and after 3D bioprinting, Biofabrication 8 (3), (2016) [doi: 10.1088/1758-5090/8/3/032002]

[2] A. Ovsianikov, V. Mironov, J. Stampf, and R. Liska, Engineering 3D cell-culture matrices: multiphoton processing technologies for biological and tissue engineering applications, Expert Rev. Med. Devices 9(6), 613-633 (2012) [doi:10.1586/erd.12.48]

[3] Multiphoton Lithography: Techniques, Materials, and Applications, J. Stampfl, R. Liska, A. Ovsianikov (Eds.) John Wiley & Sons (2016), [ISBN: 978-3-527-33717-0]

[4] X.-H. Qin, A Ovsianikov, J Stampfl, R Liska, Additive manufacturing of photosensitive hydrogels for tissue engineering applications, BioNanoMaterials 15 (3-4), 49-70 (2015) [doi: 10.1515/bnm-2014-0008]

[5] A. Ovsianikov, S. Mühleder, J. Torgersen, Z. Li, X.-H. Qin, S. Van Vlierberghe, P. Dubruel, W. Holnthoner, H. Redl, R. Liska, and J. Stampfl, Laser Photofabrication of Cell-Containing Hydrogel Constructs, Langmuir, 131010115717001 (2013) [doi:10.1021/la402346z]

Speaker: Aleksandr Ovsianikov

Hybrid Biopolymeric Matrices as Molecular Carriers


Advances in micro- and nano-technologies are providing new ground for the development and characterization of biopolymeric hybrid matrices able to encapsulate/entrap and release unstable molecules under operational conditions. Cells can provide a myriad of molecules to be combined for a variety of useful applications. Among them, the powerful areas of diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of pathologies through the use of drug delivery technologies are burgeoning. However, stability and release of biomolecules (i.e., proteins, enzymes) is a drawback and crucial point to overcome.

Biopolymer matrices studied in our lab allow to bring stability and controlled release of some enzymes used for therapeutic purposes and antibiotics: a) gel microparticles made of alginate and pectins containing alginate lyase and fluoroquinolones were able controlled release the drug by the amount of alginate and the hydrolytic activity of the enzyme. In addition, the presence of alginate lyase in the matrix enhances the antimicrobial effect over biofilm made by P. aeruginosa, very useful in Cystic Fibrosis therapeutics. b) PVA films tailored with biopolymers can simultaneously release a keratinase and fluoroquinolone for the treatment of burns and skins wounds particularly useful in some chronic pathologies like diabetes and ulcerating wounds.

Speaker: Guillermo R. Castro

Influência do Treinamento de Força e Raloxifeno sobre a Consolidação Óssea Tibial no Período do Envelhecimento de Ratas Wistar


As fraturas osteoporóticas são pontuadas como epidemia mundial, resultando em grave morbidade e mortalidade na população senil. Exercício físico combinado ou não com tratamento farmacológico tem sido utilizado para prevenir osteoporose e fraturas osteoporóticas em mulheres pós-menopáusicas bem como em ratas envelhecidas, utilizadas em estudos sobre osteoporose primária. Entretanto, não está claro a implicância dessas intervenções no processo de formação do calo e reparo ósseo mediante fratura, especialmente em organismos senis. Neste estudo foi analisado a influência do treinamento de força (TF) e/ou raloxifeno sobre a formação do calo e reparo ósseo após osteotomia total da tíbia de ratas no período da periestropausa. Para tanto, ratas Wistar com 18 meses e em periestropausa (semelhante a perimenopausa nas mulheres) constituíram os grupos experimentais: NT+Veh (não treinado + solução fisiológica), NT+Ral (não treinado + raloxifeno), TF + Veh (treinamento de força + solução fisiológica), TF+Ral (treinado + raloxifeno), com 40 animais cada. As ratas receberam os tratamentos e /ou realizaram o TF por 120 dias. Após este período, foi realizado osteotomia total unilateral na tíbia esquerda dos animais experimentais. A eutanásia foi realizada em dois tempos experimentais: 1 semana e 8 semanas após a osteotomia, para avaliação da resposta ao estágio inicial da fratura e o reparo ósseo. O perfil bioquímico e os níveis plasmáticos de malondialdeído (MDA), potencial antioxidante redutor férrico (FRAP), capacidade antioxidante total (TAS) e capacidade oxidante total (TOS) foi avaliado por espectrofotometria; a densidade mineral óssea areal - DMOa da tíbia foi medida com o densitômetro de dupla emissão de raios-X (DXA); para a análise da microarquitetura cortical da tíbia e do tecido neoformado foi utilizado microtomógrafo de alta resolução; o teste biomecânico de flexão em três pontos foi realizado para estimar as alterações nas propriedades biomecânicas da tíbia. Os resultados evidenciam a interferência da treinamento de força no processo de formação do calo ósseo e promoção de melhor cicatrização óssea comparado a atuação do antirreabsortivo.

Speaker: Rita Cássia Menegati Dornelles

Mechanical Testing Instruments for Characterization in Tissue Engineering and Medical Devices

Speaker: Frederico Mendes Jr.

Metal Complexes in Medicine - Present Status and Trends


Ulrich Abram, Freie Universität Berlin (FUB), Germany, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Since the entry of cisplatin into the world of cancer treatment in 1974, the role of metal compounds in clinical diagnostics and therapy is permanently increasing. This includes the use as conventional drugs as well as the application of radioactive metal isotopes in medical imaging and therapy.

Novel families of coordination compounds of platinum, ruthenium, gold and many other metals are under consideration for anti-cancer and other drugs including the fight against neglected tropical diseases such as leishmaniosis or Chagas disease. A survey of the existing treatments and novel research strategies will be given together with examples derived from recent research on gold and rhenium compounds.

99mTc has been the work horse of diagnostic nuclear medicine for decades with approximately 35 million annual administrations worldwide. But with the development of 68Ge/68Ga isotope generators also the development of gallium compounds for clinical applications entered the focus of interest of nuclear medical research. A status report will be given and recent research efforts in the development of novel tracers for imaging with metal-containing bioconjugates will be described. Besides diagnostic applications also the role of metal-based radiotherapeutics and modern theranostic approaches will be covered.

Speaker: Ulrich Abram

New Titanium Alloys with Functionalized Surface for Orthopedic Applications


Titanium alloys are widely used in the orthopedic field for many decades, for joint arthroplasties and spinal reconstructions. However, despite the quite satisfactory survival rates failures still exist. For hard tissue replacement, the low Young´s modulus of titanium and its alloys is generally viewed as a biomechanical advantage because the low elastic modulus can result in smaller stress shielding compared to other implant materials, and thus inducing healthier and faster bone regeneration. Nevertheless, the bioinert property of titanium alloy limits its clinical application and surface modification method is frequently performed to improve the biological and chemical properties. New titanium alloys and surface treatments have been developed, in an attempt to overcome those failures. In this sense, new Ti-alloys that provide better mechanical properties to the implants, such as superelasticity, mechanical strength, and corrosion resistance, are being developed. Furthermore, in vitro and in vivo studies, which investigate the biocompatibility and cytotoxicity of these new biomaterials, are introduced. In addition, data regarding the bioactivity of new surface treatments and surface topographies on Ti-implants is provided. Hence, a discussion of the current trends, advantages, and disadvantages of new titanium-based biomaterials with functionalized surface is presented, developed to enhance the quality of life of many patients around the world. (Financial support: CNPq and FAPESP).

Speaker: Carlos Roberto Grandini

Photonics and Biomedicine

Speaker: Sidney José Lima Ribeiro

Research and Postgraduation on Biotechnology Panorama in Brazil

Speaker: Odir Antonio Dellagostin

Studies on New Metallodrugs Based on Essential Metal Compounds


A general view of the investigations under development in our laboratory at IQ-USP is provided. Some strategies will be discussed on the design of essential metal-based compounds, in order to get variable reactivity of such ions toward important biomolecules. Through the coordination to specific ligands, it is possible to modify the metal ion catalytic properties in vital cellular processes, at the aim of developing new potential therapeutic agents. Structural feature, redox potential, ligand exchange rate, stability and binding energy are examples of metal properties that can be modulated by the formation of selective coordinated species. These designed metal complexes can trigger redox processes, leading to the formation of reactive oxygen intermediates, capable of damaging essential biomolecules or cellular structures. Further, ligands and the corresponding metal complexes can also behave as efficient inhibitors of chosen proteins, whose activity is crucial for the cell surviving.

Particularly, Schiff base ligands derived from oxindoles have been designed, and prepared in our laboratory, as well as their corresponding copper(II), zinc(II) and vanadium(IV) complexes, including mono- and dinuclear species. The isolated species were characterized using different techniques, especially spectroscopic ones (UV/Vis, IR, fluorescence, EPR, NMR, CD), and their reactivity in biological medium is being investigated by diverse methodologies. Results of our investigations indicated that those metal complexes decrease the viability of diverse tumor cells, mostly because they can enter the cells, triggering redox processes that have DNA, and mitochondria as main targets. Towards DNA, they can cause double strand cleavage after efficient binding to minor or major grooves. In mitochondria, they can act as uncoupling agents, increasing the oxygen uptake and interfering at Complex 1 of the respiratory chain. Therefore, these complexes can induce apoptosis in different human tumor cells (neuroblastomas, monocytes, melanomas, sarcomas), probably activating AMP- and MAP-Kinases that are sensors of energetic impairment in cells. DFT calculations, considering some structural and electronic characteristics of such series of ligands and the corresponding metal complexes, provide a better understanding of their reactivity.

More recent studies on the mechanisms of action of such compounds, indicated that they are also good inhibitors of specific proteins, providing molecular bases for the development of new pharmacological agents.

Speaker: Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira

Successful Cartilage Bottom-up Tissue Engineering by Human Adipose Stem Cell Spheroids


Since the eighteen century cartilage is considered as a tissue with poor capacity of regeneration. Due to its poor regeneration capacity, regenerative medicine approaches have been extensively developed. The search for alternatives is becoming a technological imperative and spheroids could represent a scaffold-free promising strategy. Spheroids can be considered as a functional tissue because cells in spheroids are immersed within a three-dimensional extracellular matrix network. The spheroids also represent a bottom-up strategy in tissue engineering. They can be used as building-blocks due their fusion capacity. The state of art will be to promete spheroids assembly reaching a large-scale biofabrication of mature 3D tissues. Our main goal was to produce condrospheres using adipose derived stem cells (ASCs) using agarose molded hydrogels as our model for 3D cell culture. ASCs spheroids induced for chondrocyte phenotype showed higher synthesis of secreted chondrogenic factors. The ratio between TGF-beta1 and beta 3 showed a lower synthesis of the isoform beta 1, especially in twenty one days of spheroid culture which was followed by a synthesis of collagen type II significantly higher than collagen type I. We also performed secretome analysis by the collaboration with Lyon University. Secretome analysis revealed up to two hundred proteins, being almost 15% already described in chondrogenesis pathway. From our results we can conclude that it was possible to obtain cartilage tissue from ACSs spheroids and to establish a protein signature by secretome analysis. Functional analysis by mechanical compression tests and bioassembly assays are in course.

Speaker: Leandra S. Baptista

Thiosemicarbazone Metal Complexes with Potential Medicinal Application


Thiosemicarbazones consist on a class of organic compounds having diverse pharmacological properties, which can be potentially enhanced when coordinated to metals.

A study involving a series of transition metal complexes with 2-acetylpyridine-N4-substituted-thiosemicarbaznoes showed them as potential anti-mycobacterium tuberculosis agents and manganese complexes proved to be the most efficient compounds.

Palladium and platinum complexes with thiossemicarbazone ligands derived from 1-pyrenocarboxaldehyde were studied regarding their cytotoxicity to cancer cells. Some compounds could inhibit Topoisomerase Ib enzyme and possess selective antiproliferative activity against ovarian cancer cells.

A third study on gallium and indium complexes with new multidentate thiossemicarbazone ligands developed in our group led to new compounds with potential nuclear medicine application.

Speaker: Victor Marcelo Deflon


Aleksandr Ovsianikov


Dr. Aleksandr Ovsianikov is currently an Assistant Professor at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien, Austria). His research is dealing with the use of additive manufacturing technologies for tissue engineering and regeneration. Dr. Ovsianikov has background in laser physics and material processing with femtosecond lasers. A particular focus his current research is the development of multiphoton processing technologies for engineering biomimetic 3D cell culture matrices. In 2012 he was awarded a prestigious Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC) for a project aimed at this topic. Since 2004 Dr. Ovsianikov has contributed to over 60 publications in peer-reviewed journals and 5 book chapters, harvesting over 1500 citations.

Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira


Ana Maria da Costa Ferreira is graduated in Chemistry (1971) at the Chemistry Institute of University of São Paulo. She has a Ph.D. degree in Chemistry, physical-chemical sub-area, defended in 1976, under the direction of the late Pawel Krumholz and José Manuel Riveros. He has a postdoctoral degree at the Tor Vergata University in Rome, Italy, in 1991/1992, in the field of Biological Chemistry, in the laboratory of Giuseppe Rotilio, and at the State University of New York in Albany (SUNY at Albany), USA, in the laboratory of Charles Scholes, in 1996/1997, focusing on Spectroscopy EPR. She has been a full professor at the University of São Paulo since 2002. She has experience in the area of Inorganic Chemistry, with emphasis on Biological Inorganic Chemistry, acting on: synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of coordination compounds; catalytic activity in oxidation reactions; redox processes; detection and identification of reactive intermediates; interactions of metal ions and biomolecules (especially proteins and nucleic acids); biological and pharmacological activity of transition metal complexes; development of new metal-drugs with antitumor or anti-parasitic activity.

Carlos Roberto Grandini


He is physicist by UFSCar, with master's and PhD degrees in Basic Physics by IFSC of USP, with PosDoc at the Università Degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" and Livre-Docente in Physics from UNESP. He is currently Full Professor and member of Graduate Program in Materials Science and Technology of UNESP. He is Fellow, Biomaterials Science and Engineering (FBSE), level 1 Research's Productivity of CNPq and President of the Latin American Society of Biomaterials and Artificial Organs (SLABO). He has experience in Physics and Metallurgy, with emphasis on Metallic Biomaterials (Ti Alloys) and Mechanical and Acoustic Properties of Condensed Matter Physics.

Denise Golgher


Denise Golgher has extensive experience in scientific and market analysis and business development in emerging biotechnologies. Since 2003, she has completed consulting assignments for diagnostics, device and biotech drug companies, academic institutions and individuals, intellectual property law firms and venture capitalists in Brazil and the United States.

M.Sc. in Biochemistry from University of São Paulo (Brazil), Ph.D. in Cell Biology from Johns Hopkins University (USA), completed post-doctorate research in Tumour Immunology at University of Oxford (UK) and studied business at Fundação Dom Cabral (Brazil). Medical Genetics Laboratories (Baylor University, USA), Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA), Biozeus, BBI Financial and Licks Attorneys are among her clients.

Frederico Mendes Jr.

Guillermo R. Castro


Born in La Plata, Argentina. Bachelor degree at Natl. University of La Plata, MSc in Biological Chemistry and PhD in Chemistry at University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Former positions: postdocs at Dept. of Chemistry, MIT (Cambridge, USA) and Dept. of Biological and Chemical Eng., Tufts University (Boston, USA), Adjunct Prof. Dept. of Biomedical Eng., Tufts University (USA). Member of several PhD and MSc Tribunals in Argentina, Chile, India and USA. Reviewer of more than 30 international Biotech/Nanotech Journals, Gov. Scientific Agencies and Universities in Argentina, and Colombia, USA and Spain. More than 90 scientific meeting presentations and Conferences. Recipient of fellowships and/or grants from UN, OAS, Pew Foundation (USA), Bunge & Born foundation, TWAS (Italy), IFS (Sweden), CONICET and MinCyt (Argentina). Director of multilateral grants with Brazil, India and Germany. Teaching experience: more than 30 years teaching in graduate and postgraduate courses at: Univ. of Buenos Aires, Univ. of Tucuman, Univ. of La Plata (Argentina), Catholic Univ. of Valparaiso (Chile), MIT (US) and Tufts University (US).

Leandra S. Baptista


Leandra Santos Baptista has a degree in Biological Sciences - Medical Modalities (2004) from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ - Brazil) and is a Ph.D. in Morphological Sciences (2008) from the same institution. Currently, she is a professor/Inmetro collaborator at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, where she works in the areas of basic/applied research related to mesenchymal stem cells, adipose tissue microenvironment and obesity, cartilage and bone engineering. Permanent professor of the postgraduate program in biotechnology (Inmetro and UFRJ), of the professional postgraduate program in Biology teaching (UFRJ), and of the postgraduate program in Translational Biomedicine (UNIGRANRIO, Inmetro e UEZO). Young Scientist of Our State, Faperj.

Liliane Carvalho


Professional with academic and professional background in Business Administration, Project Management, Small Business Development and Innovation, with 10 years of experience. She has international experiences in the area of interculturality in business and innovation, in Germany, and Startups in United States. She also acted as manager of the Identity Startup Project Sebrae Minas, responsible for the development of actions focused on the training of entrepreneurs and fomenting the Startups ecosystem throughout the State in strategic actions. In Sebrae Minas, she also worked in the Management Training System, as innovation analyst for the education segment, responsible for creating the Agitadora de Negócios, a way to support youth entrepreneurship with developing innovative business. Current Coordinator of Entrepreneurship at Biominas, develop and apply entrepreneurial education and innovation methodologies for business creation in Life Sciences, and teacher at the Ânima Educação Group, with the discipline of entrepreneurship.

Márcia Regina Cominetti


Márcia Regina Cominetti has a degree in Biological Sciences from Federal University of Santa Catarina (1993-1997) and has a Ph.D. degree in Sciences (Physiology), from Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar (2004). Cominetti worked, during her doctorate, as an intern in the Department of Microbiology from the University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, USA, and did her post-doctoral studies at Institute de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM, Unité 553), Paris, France. She was also awarded with a Visiting Fellowship by University of Nottingham, from april to july of 2015. Currently, she is a professor of Federal University of São Carlos, with experience on Cellular Biology and Biochemistry, with emphasis on Molecular Biology, acting on: aging, elder, biomarkers to the Alzheimer's Disease, cancer and culture of mammalian cells. Coordinator of LABEN (Aging Biology Laboratory), located at the UFSCar Gerontology Departament. Leader of the research group on Aging Biology, which is subscribed in the CNPq directory of research groups. She is a productivity fellow 2 of CNPq. Cominetti is an advisor of graduate students in the master's course on Gerontology, at UFSCar and also advises master's and doctorate's students at the Interinstitutional Post-graduation Program on Physiological Sciences (UFSCar/UNESP).

Odir Antonio Dellagostin


Odir Antonio Dellagostin has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel (1989), has a doctorate (1995) and a post-doctoral (1997) degrees on Molecular Biology from University of Surrey - England. Dellagostin is a professor at UFPel since 1997 and also an 1A researcher of CNPq since 2007. He has experience in Molecular Biology, acting on: development of recombinant vaccines, bovine tuberculosis vaccine and leptospirosis vaccine. He has written more than 160 scientific articles and has deposited 21 patents. Dellagostin has oriented more than 40 thesis and dissertations in the post-graduation programs in Biotechnology and in Veterinary. He was a coordinator of the Biotechnology Center, pro-rector of Research and Post-graduation of UFPel, and director of UFPel technological development center. He was also a member of the National Comission of Biosafety of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. He is coordinator of the Advisory Committee on Biological Sciences of FAPERGS and member of Veterinary Advisory Committee of CNPq. Currently, he coordinates the Biotechnology area of CAPES and is the President Director of FAPERGS.

Rita Cássia Menegati Dornelles


Rita Cássia Menegati Dornelles has a degree in Biological Sciences from Passo Fundo University (1986 - Brazil), master's (1993) and Ph.D. (1997) in Sciences (Physiology) from the Medical School of Medicine of Ribeirão Preto - University of São Paulo. Professor of Physiology at the State University of São Paulo (UNESP). She is an advisor in courses of master's and doctorate in the multicentric postgraduate program in Physiological Sciences. Member of Brazilian Society of Physiology (SBFis) and of Brazilian Society of Science in Laboratory Animals (SBCAL). She was chief the Basic Sciences Departament (FOA/UNESP) and local Coordinator of the Multicentric Postgraduate Program in Physiological Sciences for two consecutive terms. She is a member of the Advisory Committee of CCPG and a reviewer of scientific journals. Deputy Supervisor of the Center for Dental Care for Persons with Disabilities (CAOE) - Complex Auxiliary Unit. Dornelles has experience in the field of Endocrine Physiology, with emphasis on studies on aging.

Sidney José Lima Ribeiro

Thiago Mares Guia


Thiago Mares Guia is a doctor from the Medical School of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1998), Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Immunology from the same Institution (2006). Guia has postdoctoral degrees in Biotechnology and Cellular Therapy at NUCEL - Nucleus of Cellular and Molecular Therapy - University of São Paulo. He is currently Medical and Scientific Director of Bionovis and NUCEL / NETCEM Associate Researcher of the University of São Paulo (USP). He was an advisor for undergraduate and postgraduate students at USP, UNIFESP-EPM and UFV. He is Researcher and Founding Partner of the company CellProtect Biotechnology. He was Medical Manager of Research, Development and Innovation of Hypermarcas - Farma Unit. Invited Professor of the Post-Graduation Program in Clinical Research - Santa Casa de São Paulo. Invited Professor at CEPIC - Paulista Center for Clinical Research. Invited Professor of MBA in Management of Innovation in Health of the Butantã Institute. Licensed Professor of UNI-BH and Unifenas-BH Medical Schools and the Post-Graduate Course in Biotechnology and Cell Therapy with Stem Cells of the University of Medical Sciences of Minas Gerais. He was a consultant for the pharmaceutical industry in biotechnology. He has experience in chemistry and biochemistry of proteins, cloning and expression of recombinant proteins, purification and characterization of peptides and proteins, cell therapy, cell microencapsulation, preclinical tests, clinical research and medical clinic.

Ulrich Abram


  • from 2000: Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Radiochemistry, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, FU Berlin;
  • 1997 - 1999: Senior Scientist, Research Center Rossendorf;
  • 1997: Professor at the Universität Tübingen;
  • 1992 - 1996: Heisenberg Fellow of DFG, University of Tübingen;
  • 1990: Habilitation;
  • 1982 - 1991: Junior scientist at the Institute of Nuclear Research Rossendorf;
  • 1982 - 1985: PhD, Institute of Nuclear Research Rossendorf / University of Leipzig;
  • 1977 - 1982: Chemistry education, University of Leipzig.


  • Metal complexes for medicinal applications (technetium, rhenium, gold, platinum, copper);
  • Bioconjugation of metal complexes;
  • Coordination chemistry of radioactive metals (technetium, uranium, thorium);
  • Multidentate ligand systems;
  • Selenium- and tellurium-containing compounds as ligands for transition metals;
  • Multinuclear metal complexes as building blocks for supramolecular aggregates Bausteine;
  • Organometalic chemistry of technetium and rhenium.

Vera R. Leopoldo Constantino


Vera Regina Leopoldo Constantino has a degree in Chemistry with Technological Attributions (1983) from State University of São Paulo - UNESP, a doctorate degree in Chemistry from the same university (1989), and a post-doctorate degree (1992-1994) from the Departament of Chemistry of Michigan State University, USA. She was an Academic Visitor at the School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK (2015-2016). She is also an associate professor at the Chemistry Institution of University of São Paulo. She has experience with Chemistry, with emphasis on Inorganic Chemistry, acting on: Intercalation compounds, lamellar materials, lamellar double hydroxides (anionic clays), cationic clays, lamellar niobates, organic-inorganic hybrid materials and starch-clay nanocomposites.

Victor Marcelo Deflon


Dr. Victor M. Deflon is a professor of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of São Paulo, Chemistry Institute of São Carlos, Brazil. In 1998, he earned his Ph.D. at the University of Tübingen, Germany, and then he spent a six-year period as a professor at the University of Brasília, Brazil, before starting his current position in 2006. Dr. Deflon research interests include the potential medicinal use of coordination compounds, with emphasis in developing new complexes focusing on the nuclear medicinal usage as well as transition metal complexes aiming at the development of new metallodrugs directed mainly to neglected diseases and cancer.

Standards to Send the Abstract

The abstracts must be submitted by October 31st, 2017.

  1. The abstract submission will be possible only with subscription and payment confirmation;
  2. The author of the contribution, responsible for its presentation, must be subscribed in the Symposium;
  3. Each author can subscribe and present up to two (2) contributions. If the author has other contributions registered in the symposium, these contributions must be presented by other author, who must also be subscribed in the event;
  4. Descriptions of research projects, work proposals, contributions already published in journals or in other congresses wil not be accepted;
  5. The contributions must be framed in the areas of Medicinal Chemistry, Regenerative Medicine, Polymers, or, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship on Biotechnology;
  6. The abstracts must be sent electronically only;
  7. The abstract must be written in English;
  8. The registered abstracts will be appreciated by the Scientific Committee of the Symposium and the results will be sent by e-mail to the responsible author, until November 8th, 2017;
  9. The abstract analysis will consider: clarity and relevance of objectives; proper methodology; results and conclusions;
  10. The quality of the text (coherence, cohesion, grammar, spelling, typing) is responsibility of the author(s) and it will be considered as an evaluation criterion by the Scientific Committee;
  11. The forms to the submission of the abstracts will be available until October 31st, 2017;
  12. The selected works will be exposed on the Poster Session, during the symposium. An area of 0,9 m x 1,0 m will be reserved to each poster;
  13. To each contribution, only one certificate will be emitted. In this certificate, you will find the title of the contribution, the name of the first author and all co-authors' names;
  14. The abstracts must be elaborated in Word for Windows, with font Arial, size11, single spacing between lines, justified paragraph, according to the model;
  15. The poster must have a cord and/or adhesive tape to fixation in the esposing area of the symposium;
  16. The abstracts submitted and approved by the scientific committee will be published in the first edition of International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology - IJAMB;
  17. The 8 award-winning posters will be invited to be published as original article in the second edition of International Journal of Advances in Medical Biotechnology - IJAMB.



Reach us via e-mail secpgbio@uniara.com.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348.

Registration Fees

Category Up to November 07th After November 07th
Undergraduate Students R$ 100,00 R$ 150,00
Postgraduate Students R$ 300,00 R$ 450,00
Professionals R$ 400,00 R$ 600,00



Reach us via e-mail secpgbio@uniara.com.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348.


Organizing Committee

  • Wilton Rogério Lustri
  • André Capaldo Amaral
  • Eliane Trovatti
  • Hernane da Silva Barud
  • Mônica Rosa Iemma

Working Committee

Financial Committee
  • Wilton Rogério Lustri
  • Hernane da Silva Barud
Scientific Committee
  • Eliane Trovatti
  • Flavia Aparecida Resende Nogueira
  • Antonio Carlos Massabni
Social Committee
  • Monica Rosa Iemma
  • Luis Henrique Montrezor
  • Nivaldo Antonio Parizotto
Divulgation Committee
  • André Capaldo Amaral
  • Claudio Luis Piratelli
  • Creusa Sayuri Tahara Amaral
Supporting Committee
  • Silmara Cristina Lazarini Frajácomo
  • Nayara Aparecida Simei Aquaroni
  • Renata Aquino de Carvalho
Administration Committee
  • Sandra Regina Pavanelli
    Secretary of the Post-graduation Program on Biotechnology PPGB-MRQM/Uniara

Hosting Institution

Universidade de Araraquara - Uniara
Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 1295 - Centro - Araraquara/SP - Brasil - CEP 14801-320




Reach us via e-mail secpgbio@uniara.com.br or telephone +55 16 3301-7348.


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